What has happened over the years and how we have become number 1 in insect screening can be found here:
Neher History - The Insect Screening Experts since 1973.
Since 1973, Neher has been writing one success story after another in tailor-made insect screening.
Office extension & new pleated blinds
Relocation of the administration headquarters
Good things come to those who wait: The extension of the administration and the workshop has finally been completed. The new offices and the additional space for workshop and storage have been occupied and are already being used extensively.
PL2 Pleated Blinds
The new PL2 pleated blinds were presented to the public at the two leading trade fairs R&T and Fensterbau Frontale. They impress with some clever detailed solutions and an installation depth of only 22 mm.
Building extension and growth
New administration building
As expected, the new construction of the administration building and workshop, which began at the end of last year, will occupy us for the entire of 2017. The new offices and the additional space for workshop and storage are urgently needed thanks to our constant growth.
Neher-App 2.0
On 01/04/2017, the new Neher App 2.0 replaced the Neher App, which has proven itself a thousand times over. It is available on the Neher Homepage under Neher App 2.0 and in the different Appstores. After activation, the entire catalogues, videos, pictures and the new variant finder are available to the Neher specialist dealer. Together with our software partner, Gandalan, we have completely revised Bestellfix (order fix) and integrated it into the Neher App 2.0. The digital future is already here – we at Neher are helping to shape it.
Brand and growth
Neher - insect screening
We are proud to have been included again in the well-known “Brands of the Century – Stars 2016” compendium. It includes 250 major German brands that are synonymous with your product category. Like Steiff – for the teddy bear, Tempo – for the handkerchief, and also Neher – for insect screening. More information and a video can be found here.
Fresh impetus for 2016
After continuous growth in 2015, Neher Systeme also started this year with success. A new fibreglass fabric and a modern additional standard colour for lightwell covers round off the product range.
Extension building for administration and production
What would a year without construction be like for Neher? Kind of unfamiliar. And that is why we have started to expand our office and production capacities for the future. This development is one of the largest and most complex since the company’s new building in 1996 and will continue to occupy us in the coming year.
The year of process optimisation
Software and Logistics
After the extremely successful introduction of the Neher app and other logistics software solutions in 2014, we are now working on increasingly connecting them with each other and with the individual processes across the process chain. You won’t see this directly, but you will notice it when the right product is installed quickly and without any faults during the season.
Further developments in sliding systems and motorised roller screens
The new ST4 sliding systems series and the new ER1 and ER2 motorised roller screens, which can also be constructed in particularly large sizes, are increasingly spreading across the market. Especially on an international level, exciting projects are arising with these products.
And by the way, we're going to be building again
It’s getting to be a running gag, but Neher’s starting to build again. This year in particular our climate-controlled warehouse will be enlarged to keep up with the steady growth. Here some of our products are stored at a constant temperature to guarantee the constant high quality of our insect screens.
The latest from Neher
The Neher App
We at Neher want our customers to be happy with our products. No matter whether you are a producer, specialist dealer or end customer, we want you to be comprehensively and competently informed. For this purpose we have now developed the free and platform-independent Neher app, with which all Neher specialist dealers have all the important information at their fingertips. Be it in the workshop, in the office or on site during measurement, consultation and assembly.
New sliding systems and motorised roller screens
Following the trend towards ever larger windows and doors, Neher has developed new insect screening products for precisely these installation cases. These are, on the one hand, the ST4 series of sliding systems and, on the other, the new ER1 and ER2 motorised roller screens.
Neher is building again
We are pleased that we are still growing, even though this requires a further 50% increase in our high-bay central warehouse. Because we want to continue to be able to supply you quickly and reliably with the products you require.
The latest from Neher
Awards and prizes
After Neher received several important prizes and awards in 2012, the trend continues in 2013. The almost invisible Transpatec fabric has already received the following awards:
- The Innovation Award 2012 from the State of Baden-Württemberg, Dr.-Rudolf-Eberle-Prize
- The Innovation Award 2012 from R&T, the world’s leading trade fair for roller screens, doors/gates and sun protection, in the “Technical Textiles” categories
- The red dot design award 2011
- The iFdesign award 2012
Neher is one of the strongest brands in Germany. This documents the decision of a high-ranking advisory board to include the Neher Insect Screening brand in the well-known “Marken des Jahrhunderts – Leuchttürme auf dem Markenmeer” (“Brands of the Century – Lighthouses on the Sea of Brands”) compendium and to award it the “Markenpreis der Deutschen Standards” (“German Standard Brand Prize”).
2013 is a year of process optimisation at Neher
Following the numerous technical product innovations in 2012, this year Neher concentrates more on internal process optimisations. The focus is on an even smoother, safer and faster processing of orders (from measurement to data input, material ordering, production, delivery and assembly).
The latest from Neher
New brand image
With the new brand image Neher is becoming even more modern, fresh and understandable. Not only the pictures, but all advertising media, from the flyer to this website, have been completely revised.
Numerous technical detailed improvements
Neher was not only active in marketing, but also in technology, with many product improvements. This ranges from the sliding system to the roller screen to the stentering frame. Your Neher specialist partner will be happy to show you the individual products and improvements.
Construction of new IT and F-; E-Centre
The newly built research and development building can be seen as proof that Neher wants to continue to lead the way in the future. The software programmers of Neher’s IT partner, Gandalan, will also find a new, prestigious home here.
The latest from Neher
Transpatec now also available in roller screens
The almost invisible Transpatec fabric has caused a sensation since its market launch in 2010. Neher is now continuing this success story. After minor technical changes to the system, the fabric can now also be used in roller screens.
More variation and application possibilities
The new grip frame, which can be operated from both sides, can be used on all revolving and swing doors and thus creates completely new, even more convenient operating options, even in tight installation situations. The extension of the sleeper-free pleated blinds to 1.70 m single-leaf width enables completely new applications. Always the right solution – Neher meets this demand with new variations based on the system that has proven itself millions of times over.
The latest from Neher
We invent practically invisible insect screening
Yes – nobody thought that the outstanding properties of Transpatec were possible. With the Transpatec insect screens we have taken insect screening for windows and doors into a new dimension.
First a tent warehouse, then a new high-bay warehouse put into operation at the Frittlingen plant
In 2010, our new high-bay warehouse was completed and the dispatch logistics switched from analogue to digital. An automatic bar storage system as well as a reorganisation of our manual warehouse were established.
A part of the warehouse was housed for a short time in tents in order to allow the reconstruction work to take place inside the permanent warehouses. The change in logistics is enormous. From paper and ballpoint pens to mobile barcode scanners. A brilliant achievement by our employees in mastering this innovation during ongoing operations.
Neher Systeme is well equipped for the future.
The latest from Neher
More than just a new sliding system
The technical highlight for 2009 is the completely newly developed sliding system. This creates possibilities which far exceed those of previous insect screening. Leaf heights of up to 3 metres without rungs are possible without problems due to the particularly stable profile. The new roller is height-adjustable, automatically centred above the running rail, and safely guided. With the help of the optional foot control, the door can be operated safely and comfortably with the foot, even if you don’t have any hands free.
Elegant look for the lightwell covers
The new, additional standard colour dark grey with mica effect of our lightwell covers is slip-resistant and impresses with its high scratch resistance and low susceptibility to soiling.
The latest from Neher
Focus on insect screening fabric
The fabric is the soul of an insect screen. For the year 2008, Neher paid special attention to the development of two new products that set completely new standards: the Polltec pollen screening fabric and the almost invisible transparent fabric. The enthusiastic reactions at the presentation at the Fensterbau Frontale 2008 in Nuremberg confirmed this.
Live better - without pollen
The new Polltec pollen screen reliably keeps over 99 percent of grass and birch pollen away, with even over 90 percent of particularly fine pollen from ragweed or nettles remaining outside. Air permeability is improved by up to 300 percent compared to other pollen protection fabrics.
A newly developed mesh concept also allows improved visibility through the fine screen, which holds the particles not only mechanically but also by attraction. All in all, this insect screen represents a revolution in protection, light and air passage and durability in the pollen screen market.
The goal: invisible insect screening
Equally positive were the reactions to the new and almost invisible transparent fabric (today: no longer included in the product range, as it was replaced by the even better (and cheaper) Transpatec insect screens). This captivates due to its almost unhindered transparency and a strongly improved air permeability.
The latest from Neher
New inventions and many product innovations
The visitors at the Innovation Days were more than enthusiastic about the new products and detail improvements from Neher’s designers and marketing experts. The unanimous note: “When can we produce it?”
Neher swing door
The wait has been worthwhile, the designers have eliminated the weaknesses of the conventional construction principles of a swing door with the new construction. 120 degree opening angle, narrow and stable construction, ingenious production processes.

Neher - without insect screening?
TERRESA, the new wooden terrace inlay, is the first Neher product without insect screening. TERRESA was developed from the proven materials used in the cellar shaft solutions. Architects, garden designers and wooden patio manufacturers at BAU 2007 were thrilled. “A real innovation – that’s what we’ve always been looking for.” With TERRESA there is now also Neher quality for the wooden patio. You can find more information under: www.terresa.de
Perfectly simple and simply perfect.
Like everything else from Neher, the innovations in 2006 are practice-oriented. The best – simple and perfect.
Insect screening roller screen R5
Simple, narrow and affordable – these are the striking features of the new R5 insect screening roller screen.

Neher cross roller screen
The further development of the Neher cross roller screen enables improved operability as well as even faster, simpler and more flexible installation.

Stentering frame SP1/70
Can Neher improve the stentering frame at all? Yes. Simpler operation, simplified measurement, simple assembly – that is the new SP1/70 stentering frame with clamping screw assembly.
The latest from Neher
Neher warehouse logistics further optimised by a new high-bay warehouse
It’s already almost routine. By expanding the storage capacity with a new high-bay warehouse, it was again possible to improve the complete warehouse logistics.
Lightwell covers extended
Two new product innovations have been added to the Lightwell covers product line. The market launch of ELSA (left) and RESi (right) was completed in record time.

Together with our partner company, Gandalan, Neher presents the first Bestellfix (order fix). With the help of this free software, Neher dealers can quickly, securely and easily create offers and manage orders. A milestone in company development and a further step towards a digital process chain.
“Is it even possible to improve Neher’s technically perfect insect screening system?”
... asked a Neher partner aptly. The answer was clear - YES
The developers in Frittlingen exceeded themselves with their inventive spirit and were able to inspire the Neher manufacturing partners. The new insect screening products and technical improvements bring significantly more benefits for the customer. Even more comfort and convenience with Neher Systeme – Germany’s big brand.
Innovations 2004
- Completely new hinged frames for windows and doors
- Roller screen system completely revised
- Introduction of a completely new stentering frame type
- Presentation of new production and planning documents

New training centre inaugurated in January
New training centre inaugurated in January
The hinged frames for doors and roller screen systems are completely revised. The stentering frame is a new product specially designed for the new generation of windows. Neher achieves record growth primarily through increased activities abroad.

The latest from Neher
The subsidiary ISTEC GmbH presents a completely new product with the integrated roller for roller screens and folding shutters
The Neher Group thus also covers the field of integrated original equipment in the new construction sector.
Contents section New training centre built in Frittlingen
We are putting the training centre, which was previously integrated into the company building, on a new footing. In June 2002 we start the construction of an independent exhibition and training centre in Frittlingen. Further innovations, more growth and the market launch of E-smog insect screens are planned.
The latest from Neher
Foundation of the subsidiary ISTEC GmbH in Kuchl/Austria
Inventions and introduction of a new advertising concept. Print advertising will be fundamentally redesigned. A revised company logo and new brochures are very well received by specialist dealers.
HF E-smog insect screen
The new insect screen solution for windows and doors offers almost complete protection against electrosmog. Neher Systeme becomes a solution provider for completely new target groups.
Electrosmog Portal
Neher Systeme wins renowned solution providers for a supplier community on the without-elektrosmog-wohnen.de platform. Well-known companies in the building materials industry such as Knauf, sto, Bauder, Roto, Gealan, as well as medium-sized specialist companies in the field of building biology and internationally recognised radiation protection experts joined the Neher Systeme initiative in 2001.
MAMOS is decisively extended
The precision machines for the production of insect screens were decisively further developed. Thanks to the modular design of the machine concept, production output can now be adapted even more effectively to demand.
Multiraum exceeds sales expectations
Multiraum GmbH, which has been independent for one year, exceeds its planned turnover.
The latest from Neher
Multiraum expands and moves into its own company building
The foundation of Multiraum GmbH and the relocation to a new company building is the consequence of the successful revision of the Multiraum product line, which was extremely well received by the market.
LiSA - Lightwell covers
LiSA – lightwell covers from Neher are presented with great success at the dealer conference in Erfurt and introduced to the market.
The latest logistics software package was presented at the dealer conference in Erfurt. With this software package, specialist dealers and production companies can significantly improve ordering and planning processes.
The latest from Neher
Innovations and new sales concept
The hinged frames for windows and hinged frames for doors as well as sliding systems insect screening product groups are completely revised and introduced to the market. In the area of sliding glazing for balconies and terraces, the Multiraum is a completely new sales concept.

The latest from Neher
Growth and further innovations
Expansion of the company complex by another high-bay warehouse. First contacts in the Asian market and the African market. Presentation of the so-called “spring-loaded angle bracket” for the damage-free attachment of insect screens to aluminium windows.

The latest from Neher
Innovation prizes - including from the Sparkasse
Neher Systeme develops a revolutionary insect screening roller screen that has been awarded several prizes. This leads to successful entry into the American and Canadian markets.

The latest from Neher
Innovation and growth
The previous location in Jäuchstraße is abandoned. Norbert Neher, now the sole managing director, has a modern building complex with a high-bay warehouse built on a specially created industrial estate in Frittlingen. The sliding glazing product range for balconies and terraces is completely revised and, in addition to insect screening, expanded into a second mainstay.
1994 to 1973
The latest from Neher
1994 - East/West with logistics centre
Establishment of a branch in Moscow for the markets in Russia and the Baltic States. First contacts made with America. A logistics centre is established.
1992 - More distribution means being closer to the end customer
Closer networking of the European distribution network.
1991 - Innovation
Presentation of the first insect screen that can be hung on a window without damage.
1990 - After the fall of the Wall
In the course of reunification, the development of the East German market begins, combined with a specially developed construction guideline program for smaller companies.
1989 - Innovations, let's go Europe, growth
Licensed partner companies are founded in Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Neher Systeme systematically opens up the Western European market. Sliding glazings for balconies and patios are developed, the company building is extended.
1984 - Distribution system
The distribution network for insect screens is expanded throughout Germany. The first licensed partner companies are founded.
1980 - Innovation
Development of the first insect screen and introduction on the regional market.
1978 - Growth
Relocation to the newly built business in Jäuchstraße in Frittlingen.
1974 - Arnold Neher, the Swabian inventor
Arnold Neher develops a window renovation system and receives several patents for it.
1973 - Let's go
Company founded by Arnold and Magda Neher.